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CHELYABINSK REGION. Profile: hydrogeological

Search Results: 3
River Bol'shaja Tes'ma
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River Bol'shaja Tes'ma

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Zlatoust
Category: без категории
Profile: hydrogeological
The general data: The mountain river. Proceeds on stony scatterings among abrupt rocky coast, поросших coniferous woods. A source of drinking water supply of the Silver-tongued orator. Length of the river of 18 kilometres. Originates between ridges of Big Taganaj and Njazemsky. On the Big Band the water basin is built. The river is object of sports-tourist and ...
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River Malaja Tes'ma
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River Malaja Tes'ma

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Zlatoust
Category: без категории
Profile: hydrogeological
The general data: River inflow the Big Band. Its length of 14 km, the mountain river with pure water, a source of drinking water supply of the Silver-tongued orator. As a river source the small streamlet following from under ridges of large stones serves. The streamlet gradually turns to the river in width from 5 to 15 metres, flowing on a stony bed with very ...
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Rodnik Belyj Kljuch
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Rodnik Belyj Kljuch

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Zlatoust
Category: без категории
Profile: hydrogeological
The general data: The spring leaves a crack of a granite file, is located in a beauty spot. Water in a spring pure and transparent. A spring - favourite vacation spot of tourists. The beginning a spring takes in the Silver-tongued orator and further proceeds on the earths of national natural park "TAGANAJ".
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