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CHELYABINSK REGION. Profile: hydrological

Search Results: 66
Iremel'skoe vodohranilishhe
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Iremel'skoe vodohranilishhe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Miass
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Iremelskoe reservoir built on the river Iremel - the right tributary of the river Miass. Neighborhood pond surrounded by hills covered with mixed forest with a rich variety of grass.
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Kialimskoe vodohranilishhe
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Kialimskoe vodohranilishhe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Karabash
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Artificial reservoir. Volume of a water basin of 6 million cubic metre. It is formed at a confluence of the river of Big Kialim of the river Miass. A source of drinking water supply of Karabash and Miass. The water basin in 1979 is built located in a beauty spot. From different directions it is surrounded by mountain hills, поросшими coniferous ...
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Kljuch Eralashnyj
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Kljuch Eralashnyj

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Ashinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Natural spring. Leaves from under rock. Differs a moving outcome, pulses with an unstable interval. Has informative value. Fine spring water involves tourists. However, the key has got "celebrity" at the expense of inconstancy. The phenomenon of moving demands studying.
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Kljuch Eriklinskij
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Kljuch Eriklinskij

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Ashinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The natural spring, originates in the Eriklinsky broad gull, contains crystal-clear water. Runs into the river of Asha. Length of 300 metres. The water expense in August makes 15-18 l/seconds the Spring gives vent to the waters from under a heap of large blocks of limestone in the right board of a broad gull. As area of a food of a spring the ...
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Kljukvennoe boloto
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Kljukvennoe boloto

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Kunashakskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Cranberry bog is located north of the station Surtanysh. Swamp stretches from with. Karmaskaly aside 200 hectares. The swamp favorable conditions for the growth of cranberries. On the territory in question cranberry bogs are rare. Complete a monument of nature, has the scientific and cognitive value.
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Lake Arakul'
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Lake Arakul'

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Kasli i Kaslinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Large pond. Has high quality water. Lined with picturesque beaches with rocky ledges. Is important to encourage tourism.
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Lake Argazi (vodohranilishhe)
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Lake Argazi (vodohranilishhe)

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Argajashskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The largest lake, reservoir area. Source of drinking water supplies in Chelyabinsk and other cities. Scientific interest to study the hydrological regime, the formation of the coast. Located in a picturesque area in the center - the island of Linden, where the preserved lime plantation. Water volume 980 million cubic meters. m
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Lake Bezymjannoe
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Lake Bezymjannoe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Kartaly i Kartalinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Small lake. Settles down on a break at contact гранитогнейсов and серпентинитов - the rests of an oceanic time. The lake develops under natural conditions, without intervention of the person. Valuably also as a place of nesting of birds (swans, cranes, ducks). On the western coast coils are found out a granite-pegmatity, and also гипербазиты, ...
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Lake Bol'shoj Belishkul'
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Lake Bol'shoj Belishkul'

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Argajashskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: A small pond. One of the most beautiful lakes in the foothill zone of the Southern Urals. Has the clear water at the bottom outputs of mineral springs. In the middle of a lake island, has preserved a rich composition of plant communities.
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Lake Bol'shoj Bugodak
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Lake Bol'shoj Bugodak

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Verhneural'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Large reservoir. On coast very picturesque vegetation. Lake richly medical organic dirt. Parking of the ancient person is found out. Lake deep, the maximum depths reach 6-8 metres. Water in lake the fresh. The lake is rich with fish, are found a pike, a carp, налим, краснопёрка, a tench and even сиговые.
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Lake Bol'shoj Elanchik
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Lake Bol'shoj Elanchik

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Miass
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Located 8 km south-east of Miass. The catchment area is occupied by pine forests, which are suitable to the shore of the lake. Lake stretches from north to south for 4.5 miles with an average width of 1.4 km. The basin of the lake is deep, maximum depth is 8 m, average 4.3 m. The lake is concentrated 26,5 million cubic meters. m clean, slightly ...
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Lake Bol'shoj Kisegach
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Lake Bol'shoj Kisegach

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Chebarkul' i Chebarkul'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: On water volume (200 million cubic) and the greatest depth (31) - the lake costs among the largest and deep lakes of area. A transparency about 10 m. Extent of lake from the north on the south 6,1км, from the West on the east 2,5км. From a West side presence of mountains has caused freakish изрезанность a coastal line, having formed capes, gulfs. ...
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Lake Bol'shoj Shantropaj
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Lake Bol'shoj Shantropaj

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Etkul'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Large reservoir. Water of the raised mineralization and щёлочности, a mineral dirt by capacity about 1 metre is at the bottom found out. Has the big improving and recreational value. Average depth - 3.4 metres, maximum - 4.6 metres. The lake has the correct form, is extended from the north on the south. Length of lake of 3 km, average width of 1.8 ...
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Lake Borovushka
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Lake Borovushka

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Etkul'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The small reservoir, is located in Etkulsky area. It is surrounded picturesque, поросшими by a pine, coast. Rich water vegetation (water-lilies). The lake represents a karstic failure of the roundish form. Depths considerable, to 5-6 metres. Lake бессточное, favorable conditions for зарастания a coastal part are created. Are formed сплавины which ...
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Lake Chebach'e I
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Lake Chebach'e I

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Verhneural'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Reservoir of the average sizes. Has picturesque coast. Parking of the ancient person is found out. Has scientific and recreational value. Lake бессточное. Exits of ground waters create stability of a water mode of lake and rather low temperature background of water in it during the warm period. Water in lake the saltish.
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Lake Chebach'e II
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Lake Chebach'e II

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Verhneural'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Small reservoir. The water structure has alkaline reaction, saltish taste. Has curative and recreational value. The maximum depth of 3-3.5 m. Lake uses a great popularity among the population as vacation spot and fishing. Coast abrupt enough, good beaches. At a bottom and coast of lake exits of ground waters.
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Lake Chebakul'
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Lake Chebakul'

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Kunashakskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: One of the most interesting Kunashak Lakes region. Vast expanse of sparkling water. Almost all sides surrounded by birch forests of the lake. Lake water has high alkalinity, has healing properties. Small depth - 2-3 m, and only in some places up to 5 meters.
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Lake Dolgoe
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Lake Dolgoe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Kasli i Kaslinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The lake Long was stretched to the right of road from Kasli to Kyshtym. It can serve as the standard of a natural reservoir of these edges. Has the extended form, from the northwest on the southeast. Around pine wood. From the east protected enough abrupt, there are exits of rocks, from the West - boggy with reed thickets. Water pure, ultrafresh.
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Lake Elovoe
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Lake Elovoe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Chebarkul' i Chebarkul'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The nature sanctuary of the Chelyabinsk area lake Fur-tree (further - a nature sanctuary lake Fur-tree) is located in territory of Chebarkulsky city district. Border of a nature sanctuary of lake Fur-tree the border of water area of lake, including all islands is considered. The border of a nature sanctuary of lake Fur-tree is established in ...
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Lake Gor'koe
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Lake Gor'koe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Uvel'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: One of the natural objects of Zauralye most valuable in the medical relation. Depth of lake to 2 - 3 m. Water alkaline. Ground adjournment are presented by the mineral dirt which stocks make 200 thousand in cubic m. Balneal resources of lake можо widely to use in mud cure of oncological and other diseases. Presence on coast of lake of birch wood, ...
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Lake Gor'koe
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Lake Gor'koe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Etkul'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Lake is valuable for its balneological properties. The landscape around the lake - lyurskoy accumulative plain. Represents a typical steppe. Bottom sediments of healing. The maximum depth of 4 meters, with an average depth of 1.6 m. The water is fresh, with a bitter aftertaste. The banks are asymmetric: the western shore is steep, rezkovyrazhenny ...
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Lake Gor'ko-Solenoe
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Lake Gor'ko-Solenoe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Chesmenskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The lake enough the large sizes, is valuable the balneal properties. The form of a lake hollow the oval. Depths small, the bottom equal, is covered иловыми by adjournment. Water of alkaline reaction, bromic, a high mineralization. The dirt of dark grey colour, its stocks exceed 1,5 million in cubic metre On southern and southwest coast there are ...
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Lake Itkul'
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Lake Itkul'

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Verhnij Ufalej
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: One of the most beautiful lakes of Southern Ural Mountains. Coast high, are combined by crystal slates. In a southern part of lake from water the picturesque rock which name the Shaitan-stone sharply rises. Along southeast and east coast passes протерозойский a geological cut. Depths in lake reach 10 - 12 m, water pure. Into lake runs 13 small ...
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Lake Kara-Chura
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Lake Kara-Chura

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Nagajbakskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Lake lies 6 km north-east of s.Arsinsky. its shape is oval, the bottom blyudtseobraznoe, depth, small, up to 3-4 meters, the banks low and swampy, overgrown with reeds and rushes. Muddy bottom covered by organic mud. Fresh water, but with a slightly bitter taste and high content of organic matter. Lake-drainage. Lake is valuable as a place of ...
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Lake Koshkul'
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Lake Koshkul'

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Miass
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: A small pond is located 4 km from the Holiday section. At the lakeside pine array. Has recreational value.
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Lake Krugloe
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Lake Krugloe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Krasnoarmejskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Tiny lake in vicinities of a city of Chelyabinsk. The roundish form, fills a karstic funnel with depth of 6 metres. At the bottom a powerful layer иловых adjournment. The volume of water of 0,106 million in cubic metre the Maximum depth of lake of 6 m. Lake has recreational value.
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Lake Malyj Elanchik
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Lake Malyj Elanchik

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Miass
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Lake Small Yelanchyk - a small pond is situated 1,5 km north-west of the Great Lakes Yelanchyk. Lake is shallow (average depth 1.3 m) with a distinct hollow. Sandy bottom. The water is clean. The water temperature in the summer months from 20 to 26 degrees. Blue expanse of lake water, beaches, wooded, creating a picturesque landscape. Lake is ...
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Lake Pahomovo
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Lake Pahomovo

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Uvel'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Lake of small size, round, shallow, depth does not exceed 3 meters. The shape of the lake basin blyudtseobraznaya, low shore covered with steppe vegetation. On the eastern side of the lake is suitable birch forest. Lake bottom is sandy, flat. In the central part of the bottom is covered with mineral mud. On the banks of stored sandy small beach.
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Lake Peschanoe
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Lake Peschanoe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Miass
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The most beautiful lake in the mountainous part of the Urals. Located 2 km from the village Atlyan. Framed by the picturesque lakeside hills with outcrops of crystalline rocks, covered with coniferous forest.
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Lake Podbornoe
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Lake Podbornoe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Uvel'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Lake has valuable for the treatment of alkaline water, mineral mud. The maximum depth of no more than 3 meters. The water contains various trace elements: vanadium, titanium, strontium, iron, aluminum and others. All this makes water and high medicinal properties. Power muddy deposits of about 2 meters, the reserves, approximately, 4.5 million ...
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Lake Serebry
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Lake Serebry

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Karabash
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Small reservoir. Especially pure water has silvery colour. It is connected with залеганием at the bottom of micaceous slates - as has entitled lake, because of perlamutro-poured colour of mica in lake waters. Has the big scientifically-informative value. Is a source of water supply of Karabash. Depth of lake reaches 4-5 metres.
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Lake Sladkoe
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Lake Sladkoe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Oktjabr'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: A small pond. Popular with the public because of high medicinal properties of lake water and silt mud. Dominated by the depth of 1-1,5 meters. Alkaline water is very soft, high salinity. On the northern and eastern sides of the lake is surrounded by picturesque coastal forests. The lake come to be treated for diseases of musculoskeletal and skin ...
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Lake Smolino
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Lake Smolino

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Cheljabinsk
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Long since смолинская water was famous at челябинцев for the curative properties. The lake and archaeological monuments is interesting. In lake vicinities втречаются the burial grounds concerning by stone and bronze centuries. The greatest length of lake of 6,7 km, average width 3,5. Average depth 3,9м, maximum 6,7м. Volume of water weight of ...
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Lake Solenyj Kulat
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Lake Solenyj Kulat

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Krasnoarmejskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The small reservoir, one of the most salty reservoirs of area. Water bitterish, depth to 2 metres, volume of water of 0,35 million in cubic metre Water and a dirt - medical. Has improving and informative value. In droughty years there is a salt sedimentation. Water - bitterish, but in food suits. A bottom oozy, viscous.
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Lake Sugojak
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Lake Sugojak

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Krasnoarmejskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Large reservoir. One of the most beautiful lakes in Zauralsky plain. It is surrounded by picturesque coast, поросшими birch wood. Set of beaches. Water volume - 53,6 million in cubic m, the maximum depths reach 7 metres. Water in Sugojake pure, transparent, saltish. Lake - a place of mass rest of the population.
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Lake Sugomak
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Lake Sugomak

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Kyshtymskij okrug
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The lake is located in the vicinity of Kyshtym 2 km west of the city on his way to Slyudorudny settlement. This is a drinking water reservoir for Kyshtym. The lake water is clean, clear. The depth of 2-3 meters. Eastern and northern shores are composed of crystalline rocks, banks are covered with pine forest. Western and south-western coasts ...
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Lake Svetlen'koe
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Lake Svetlen'koe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Kasli i Kaslinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Has the important balneal value. Is to the West from lake Sungul. Lake slaboptotochnoe. At the bottom powerful adjournment of sapropelic silt (to 4-6). On the properties they concern to известковистым to sapropels and possess valuable medical properties. In places of exits of radonic sources they possess the raised radio-activity. A medical dirt ...
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Lake Turgojak
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Lake Turgojak

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Miass
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Monument of nature is particularly important environmental, recreational and health value for the population of the Chelyabinsk region, is one of the largest lakes in the Chelyabinsk region, surrounded by picturesque beaches with unique flora and fauna. Located in the eastern foothills of the Southern Urals. Turgojak located in a mountain valley ...
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Lake Ufimskoe
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Lake Ufimskoe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Karabash
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Small reservoir. The river Ufa follows from lake. The lake hollow is combined гранитоидами. Contains pure, transparent water. Coast are covered by coniferous woods. Is of great importance for the tourism organisation. The lake is in mountains at height 472м. Elks are found In coastal woods, a lynx, there are traces of bears.
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Lake Uvil'dy
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Lake Uvil'dy

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Administrativnaja territorija gorodov Karabasha, Kyshtyma, Argajashskij.
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: One of the largest lakes oblasti.Maksimalnaya depth of 38 m. It is located in a suburban area. Surrounded by picturesque beaches. International Association of limnological lake identified as a valuable reservoirs of the world.
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Lake Zjuratkul'
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Lake Zjuratkul'

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Satka i Satkinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Lake Zyuratkul - one of the most unique monuments of nature and archeology. For the unique beauty of it is called "Ural Ritz. " The most high-altitude lake in the area. Located in the mountains at an altitude of 724 meters above sea level, surrounded by mountain ranges Nurgush, Bitch, Moskal. On the shores of the lake found the settlement of stone ...
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Min'jarskij prud
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Min'jarskij prud

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Ashinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Minjarsky pond - an artificial reservoir. It is formed at merge of the river by This and the river of Minjar. Very picturesque coast surrounded coniferous (fir) and deciduous wood plantings. In days of war (1941 - 1945) on the river by This it was spent молевой an alloy. Now the bottom of the Minjarsky pond is filled топляком larches, firs. This ...
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Nizov'e reki Malyj Kizil
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Nizov'e reki Malyj Kizil

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Verhneural'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The right river bank in lower reaches flat, left - abrupt, is laid out by exits of limy breeds. Two artificial ponds are created. Water drinking. Coast are covered by picturesque wood vegetation. Has recreational value, is a water supply source.
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Proval'nyj Kljuch
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Proval'nyj Kljuch

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Ust'-Katav
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Mountain key. Beginning on a wood ridge, soon leaves under the earth. Leaves on a surface only before the confluence of the river of Jurjuzan, on the right, below a crest Quiet. The key also has received the name thanks to that takes place the most part of the way underground. Has scientifically-informative value.
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Reka Tjuljuk
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Reka Tjuljuk

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Katav-Ivanovsk i Katav-Ivanovskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The most high-mountainous river of the Chelyabinsk area. The right inflow of the river Jurjuzan, runs into it a little above village Tjuljuk. Length of the river Tjuljuk of 17 km. From "river knot" where sources White, Aja and inflows of Ural Mountains, it originates. In the upper courses of Tjuljuk some time flows underground, further the river ...
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River Aj ot ust'ja reki Bejdy do derevni Sikijaz-Tamak
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River Aj ot ust'ja reki Bejdy do derevni Sikijaz-Tamak

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Satka i Satkinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Left tributary of the Ufa. Begins on the eastern slope of the ridge Urenga, at an altitude of 760 m above sea level. With a length of 540 km of the flow velocity of 2 m / s and more. Declared a nature sanctuary area for over 20 km from the confluence of the river to the town of Beida Sikiyaz-Tamak. Here, in a strip of limestone cliffs become ...
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River Asha
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River Asha

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Ashinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The mountain river. Its length of 44 km. Originates at a ridge of Karatau. It is framed by picturesque coast. Has pure spring water. Represents great value for tourism. On river banks grow fir and fir forests. Sometimes there are also lime woods. From two parties the river is surrounded by ridges in height of 400 m and more.
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River Atljan
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River Atljan

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Miass
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Left tributary of the river Miass, falls into a pond within the boundaries of Polikarpov Miass. Originates on the eastern slope of the Ural-Tau, the source are several keys, which formed a well depth of 1 m and a width of 0.5 m. The river is 32 km. The slopes of the valley throughout the river are covered with coniferous forest. The depth of the ...
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River Berezjak
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River Berezjak

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Satka i Satkinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Mountain River. Right tributary of the River Juruzan. Falls below the village Tyulyuk. The river is about 40 km.Beret beginning with Bolshekryshskih watershed wetlands in the valley between the ridges and Nurgush Urenga and flows through it along its entire length. In the vicinity of the riverbanks capercaillie remain current. In the usual river ...
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River Bol'shaja Kalagoza
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River Bol'shaja Kalagoza

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Satka i Satkinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Most Kalagaza is a right tributary of the river in Yuryuzani.Eto, length of 26 km. Carries the waters between the ridges and Moskal Nurgush. On the composition of the water close to the spring. The river banks are steep, overgrown with mixed forest. In the vicinity of the river is Mount Large Sholom, where engaged in school travel teams. Beautiful ...
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River Bol'shaja Satka ot pos. Porogi do ust'ja
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River Bol'shaja Satka ot pos. Porogi do ust'ja

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Satka i Satkinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Mountain River. Originates from an alpine lake Zyuratkul, flows into the River Eye at 390 km from its mouth. River with fast current. Boundless charms combination of bright colors, green meadows, forests necklace. The water in the upper reaches of perfectly clean. The total length of the tributaries of 325 km. The river is 88 km. In the herbage ...
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River Bol'shoj Kialim
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River Bol'shoj Kialim

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Karabash
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The mountain river, originates between mountains Kruglitsa and Itsyl, proceeds on picturesque mountain district. Length of the river - 46 km. Represents a great interest for tourism. At a confluence of the river of Big Kialim of the river Miass the Kialimsky water basin is built.
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River Jurjuzan' ot Smirnovskogo mosta do ust'ja reki Nasi
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River Jurjuzan' ot Smirnovskogo mosta do ust'ja reki Nasi

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Ust'-Katav
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Begins on mountain Jamantau slopes - the highest mountain of Southern Ural Mountains (1638). Extent of the river within the Chelyabinsk area of 150 km (the general - 404 km). The river Jurjuzan has the biggest difference of heights (850) and a great speed in headwaters. From Ust-Katav and to village Velikie Luki the river has the most picturesque ...
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River Kushtumga
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River Kushtumga

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Miass
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: It follows the river from a small swampy depressions on the slope of the Lesser Ural Mountains and flows into the river Miass. The river Kushtumgi 25 km. The channel width from 1 to 3 m, depth 30 - 40 cm in 14 km from the mouth Kushtumgi she meets up with a mountain stream Suhokamenkoy. Every second Kushtumga pours into the river Miass to 30 - 35 ...
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River Shumga 1
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River Shumga 1

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Kusinskij
Category: без категории
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The mountain river. Originates at bottom of a ridge of Big Taganaj and runs into the river Coosa. The general extent of the river of 15 km. Has a considerable quantity of inflows. Water in the river very pure. River banks are very picturesque, covered by coniferous woods. Aesthetic and recreational value is of great importance for tourism, and ...
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River Shumga 2
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River Shumga 2

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Kusinskij
Category: без категории
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Mountain stream. Originates from Taganayskogo ridge. Flows into the Kusu at a distance of 12 km. from the mouth. The river Shumga 2 - 10 km. Has a large number of tributaries. The total length of tributaries twice its length. The water is very clean. Has the ecological and recreational value.
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River Shumga 3
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River Shumga 3

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Kusinskij
Category: без категории
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Mountain stream. The river is less than 10 km. Originates at the foot of Big Ridge Taganay and empties into the river Kusu at a distance of 52 km. from the mouth. Pure spring water, picturesque mountain terrain surrounding the river valley is a unique venue for tourism.
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Shumnyj brod v doline reki Toguzak
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Shumnyj brod v doline reki Toguzak

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Varnenskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The natural complex, includes picturesque rocks on left to river bank Toguzak. The Nature sanctuary declares a site in the extent of 2 km to border with Kazakhstan. On the right coast it was stretched kovylno-raznotravnaja steppe. Rocks reach heights 20 - 30 m, are combined интрузивными by breeds of verhne-Paleozoic age (250 - 300 million years), ...
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Simskij prud
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Simskij prud

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Ashinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: An artificial pond. One of the most beautiful bodies of water area. Mirror surface of a pond lined with sheer cliffs covered with pine forests. Drinking water.
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Sinie rodniki
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Sinie rodniki

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Ashinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Group of the natural springs following from bottom of the Minjarsky plateau. Are located in a beauty spot. Have the big recreational and aesthetic value. Sources of drinking water supply of Minjar. The district is attractive to tourists, the organisation of excursions. Springs are surrounded by coniferous woods with prevalence of a fir.
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Suhodol reki Sim
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Suhodol reki Sim

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Katav-Ivanovsk i Katav-Ivanovskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The river This the most western river of our area. Originates in spurs of Southern Ural Mountains at the city of Amsher. The Particular interest represents an underground watercourse to This. On рассстоянии 850 metres from the Ignatovsky cave upstream the river in a turn place hits in steep rocks and leaves in cracks of rocks and a bottom. Along a ...
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Uchastok river Bagarjak ot b/o «Berezka» do ust'ja
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Uchastok river Bagarjak ot b/o «Berezka» do ust'ja

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Kunashakskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Declared a nature sanctuary Bagaryak section of the river length is about 5 km from the b / o "Birch" to the confluence of the river into a river Bagaryak Cinar. Very picturesque area, on the banks of the river outlets limestone rocks covered with pine forest. On this stretch of river to shoot the film "Shadows at Noon", and one of the cliffs is ...
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Uchastok river Karabolka ot sela Ust'-Karabolka do ust'ja
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Uchastok river Karabolka ot sela Ust'-Karabolka do ust'ja

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Kunashakskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Declared a nature sanctuary section of the river Karabolka length of 1,5 km., from the village of Ust-Karabolka to its confluence with the river Cinar. The river is wide, covered with meadows and bushes. Winding channel cut by islands on the sleeves, reaches pass in shoals, low shores alternate with steep cliffs. Karabolka along the river to its ...
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Uchastok river Ufa between Timofeevym i Zajkinym kamnjami
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Uchastok river Ufa between Timofeevym i Zajkinym kamnjami

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Njazepetrovskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The most picturesque part of the river between Timofeev and Zaykin stones. At this point, Ufa river carves its way through the mountain uplift, Bardymsky connecting ridge with the Ufa Plateau. For 6 - 7 km river Ufa flows like a coil several times changing direction 180 degrees. In the area of ​​the river d.Araslanovo suitable solid stone wall ...
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Ufimskij celebnyj istochnik
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Ufimskij celebnyj istochnik

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Njazepetrovskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Healing spring. The water temperature never exceeds 10 degrees. Fuels river Ufa.
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Verhneural'skij rodnik
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Verhneural'skij rodnik

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Verhneural'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The spring is located in an East side of Verhneuralsk at a foot of a stone hill. A powerful source of the potable water containing родон and many microcells that gives it curative properties. All having a rest and the tourists who have visited on a stone hill, come on a spring behind water. The spring is fenced and arranged well.
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