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Lake Sugojak
The cadastral report

№ p/p Cadastral indicators Cadastral information
1 Installation information -
1.1. №OOPT Cadastral and Land Cadastre 74:xx:xxxxxx
1.2. Name OOPT Lake Sugojak
1.3. Code SOATO (OKATO)
1.4. Cluster 0
1.5. Location: -
1.5.1. The subject of the Russian Federation Chelyabinsk region
1.5.2. administrative - territorial entity Krasnoarmejskij
1.5.3. municipality p. Lazurnyj
1.5.4. forestry
1.5.5. forestry (quarter)
1.5.6. for PA cluster type - serial number sections 0 topographic name - Code SOATO (OKATO) 0 administrative - territorial entity -
1.6. Category PA monument of nature
1.7. Category of protection (RAM)
1.8. Forest group
1.9. Profile 5
1.10. Status regional
1.11. Years of creation and reorganization
1.12. Total Sq. M 1340
1.12.1. Sq. subordinate PA 0
1.12.2. for PA cluster type 0 serial number - section title - area -
1.13. The legal basis of the organization PA -
1.13.1. document category Решение облисполкома
1.13.2. document's name -
1.13.3. date of adoption and number of the document 06.10.1987 № 361
1.13.4. Sq. Protected areas, according to the documents
1.13.5. category of land which formed PA
1.13.6. form and land use федеральная собственность
1.14. Rationale for the creation of protected areas and its significance Large reservoir. One of the most beautiful lakes in Zauralsky plain. It is surrounded by picturesque coast, поросшими birch wood. Set of beaches. Water volume - 53,6 million in cubic m, the maximum depths reach 7 metres. Water in Sugojake pure, transparent, saltish. Lake - a place of mass rest of the population.
1.15. Information about allocation of international diploma не имеется
1.16. List of the main objects of protection: -
1.16.1. protected species
1.16.2. ecosystem lake
1.16.3. phenomena -
1.16.4. Historical and cultural sites -
1.16.5. other -
1.17. departmental affiliation ОГУ Дирекция особо охраняемых природных территорий Челябинской области
1.18. Legal address PA -
1.18.1. mailing address 454000, г. Челябинск, ул. Карла Маркса 72а
1.18.2. phone (351) 263-93-06
1.18.3. fax (351) 263-93-06
1.18.4. Е-mail oopt_chel@mail.ru
1.18.5. Full name. head Шаврин В.М.
1.18.6. Head office phone (351) 263-93-06
1.19. Have subordinate PA 0
1.19.1. cadastral number -
1.19.2. name of subordinate PA -
1.19.3. категория ООПТ -
1.19.4. name, number, date of adoption of a legal document that defines the subordination -
1.19.5. area, ha -
1.19.6. profile -
II. PA territorial structure and the basic natural characteristics -
II.20. Geographical position -
II.20.1. the name of the mountainous country (plain, ..), etc. Лесостепная зона Зауралья и Западно-Сибирской равнины.Подзона Северной лесостепи.Район северной лесостепи Западно-Сибирской равнины.
II.20.2. geographic coordinates-X1 61.7002276892479
II.20.2. geographic coordinates-Y1 55.3454813219559
II.20.2. geographic coordinates-X2 61.7587537431907
II.20.2. geographic coordinates-Y2 55.3893528608906
II.21. The main features of nature: -
II.21.1 a brief description of the relief
II.21.1.1. the minimum height no data
II.21.1.2. maximum height 200
II.21.1.3. % Of the basic types of relief
II.21.1.4. noteworthy geological sites
II.21.1.5. attractions geomorphological objects
II.21.2. a brief description of climate континентальный
II.21.2.1. t the average of the warmest month, 17.9
II.21.2.2. t average the coldest month, -17.4
II.21.2.3. annual precipitation, mm 411
II.21.2.4. rose of wind no data
II.21.2.5. a variety of micro-climatic conditions no data
II.21.2.6. periodic manifestations of climate hazards -
II.21.3. a brief description of the soil -
II.21.3.1. the predominant soil types in% from the square -
II. podzolic -
II. sod-podzol -
II. gray forest -
II. sod-carbonate -
II. flood -
II. sod-gley -
II. heavy loam and clay -
II. srednesuglinistye -
II. loamy -
II. sandy loam and sandy soils -
II.21.3.2. parent rocks -
II.21.3.3. occurrence depth -
II.21.3.4. type of bedrock -
II.21.4. a brief description of hydrological network -
II.21.4.1. number of rivers, units 0
II.21.4.2. number of lakes, units 1
II.21.4.3. number of ponds, units 0
II.21.4.4. the number of marshes, units 0
II.21.4.5. sea water area, ha 1340
II.21.4.6. topographical names of the main hydrological features
II.21.5. brief description of vegetation (% of total area) The vegetation is the area of ​​birch and aspen-birch forests combined with areas of steppe meadows and meadow steppes. More frequent dry park ploskozapadinnye pegs on watersheds and steep slopes, with a tree stand of Betula pendula and mesophytic grass-forb cover with meadow-steppe species, at least - swampy groves of B. pubescens on the bottoms of depressions, with an undergrowth of Salix species gigrofitnyh and sedge-cereal grasses. In the northern region (basin. Sinara), which has the highest forest cover, often of birch and pine regrowth bor significant impurity species in the herb-shrub layer, svidetelstuyuschie their derived character and appearance summarized in place of pine forests. Steppe grasslands and grass-forb meadow steppe (with Stipa pennata, S. capillata, Festuca valesiaca sl, Koeleria cristata and rich composition of meadow-steppe grasses) for the most part under cultivation, and in the remaining part of highly modified grazing and haying. In the depressions are widespread halophyte community Hordeum nevskianum, Leymus paboanus, Puccinellia tenuissima, Triglochin maritimum, Carex diluta, Bolboschoenus maritimus, Eleocharis uniglumis, Juncus gerardii, Limonium gmelinii, Plantago cornuti, Cirsium esculentum, Saussurea amara, Artemisia nitrosa, A. rupestris, A. laciniata, Galatella biflora, Scorzonera parviflora, Taraxacum bessarabicum, etc., and the most highly saline areas along the banks of reservoirs - overgrown annuals Salicornia perennans and Suaeda corniculata. The role of halophytic communities in the vegetation of this region is significantly higher than the previous one. On the shores of many lakes connected near-water and marsh communities, most of which have the character of reed marshes - zaymisch, sometimes occupying large areas (eg, swamps and Alakul Mamynkul). In these swamps the distance from the pond reeds go into a strip of sedge and willow kochkarnikov, then changing wetlands and salty meadows. Occasionally oligotrophic sphagnum bogs, forested bog dwarf form of the pine - ryamy (particularly in villages and Alabuga Borovoye), the herb-shrub cover, which provides a set of rare forest-steppe zone of boreal bog species (Eriophorum vaginatum, Scheuchzeria palustris, Chamaedaphne calyculata, Oxycoccus palustris, O. microcarpus, Drosera anglica, D. rotundifolia, etc.). River area are flat with extensive floodplains character and gentle slopes of valleys developed, but occasionally on river slopes are still found exposed bedrock river erosion of rocks that lie beneath a layer of Tertiary deposits (in particular, on the river. Cinara have to. Ust-Bagaryak and p. Miass around with. Miasskoe). These sections are very rare in the region petrofitnye community with rock ferns, Alyssum lenense, Draba sibirica, Potentilla longifolia, P. pensylvanica and others
II.21.6. a summary of the forest fund -
II.21.6.1. species composition
II.21.6.2. age, years
II.21.6.3. prevailing forest types
II.21.6.4. prevailing bonitets
II.21.6.5. stock cube. m
II.21.7. brief information on biodiversity
II.21.7.1. taxonomic groups of fungi
II.21.7.2. taxonomic groups of plants
II.21.7.3. taxonomic groups of animals
II.21.8. list of endangered species in protected areas: -
II.21.8.1. types of mushrooms
II. title, source, status, category of rarity
II.21.8.2. species
II. title, source, status, category of rarity Покрытосеменные Дремлик болотный - Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz, Кк ЧО (III), (Проект схемы..., 2006). Скрученник приятный - Spiranthes amoena (Bieb.) Spreng., Кк ЧО (I),(Красная книга Челябинской области, 2005; Проект схемы..., 2006). Золототысячник красивый - Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce, Кк ЧО (II), (Красная книга Челябинской области, 2005; Проект схемы..., 2006).
II.21.8.3. types of animals
II. title, source, status, category of rarity Насекомые Подалирий - Iphiclides podalirius (Linnaeus, 1758), Приложения Кк РФ и Кк ЧО, (Проект схемы..., 2006). Обыкновенный махаон - Papilio machaon Linnaeus, 1758, Приложения Кк РФ и Кк ЧО, (Лагунов, Чичков, 2006; Проект схемы..., 2006).
II.21.9. a brief description of medical resources
II.22. legend Land (ha% from the square)
II.22.1. forest land, total (ha)
II.22.1.1. covered with forest vegetation (including forest-cult)):
II.22.1.2. no covered with forest vegetation (including forest-cult)):
II. no covered with forest vegetation (including forest-cult)):
II. forest nurseries, plantations
II. natural sparse forests:
II. burning
II. dead stands
II. felling
II. clearings
II.22.2. non-forest land, total (ha), incl .:
II.22.2.1. arable land
II.22.2.2. haymaking
II.22.2.3. pastures
II.22.2.4. water (ponds)
II.22.2.5. road clearing
II.22.2.6. - estates, land settlements:
II.22.2.7. swamp
II.22.2.8. sands
II.22.2.9. icehouse
II.22.2.10. linear lines
II.22.2.11. other land
II.23. Mode and zoning отсутствует
II.23.1. zoning document ter (data.№).: отсутствует
II.23.2. area (area ha /%) and activities: отсутствует
II.23.2.1. reserved
II. prohibited activities
II. the actions permitted
II.23.2.2. specially protected
II. prohibited activities
II. the actions permitted
II.23.2.3. cultural tourism
II. prohibited activities
II. the actions permitted
II.23.2.4. recreation
II. prohibited activities
II. the actions permitted
II.23.2.5. protection of historical and cultural sites
II. prohibited activities
II. the actions permitted
II.23.2.6. household goods
II. prohibited activities
II. the actions permitted
II.23.3. mode (there is no zoning) -
II.24. Buffer zone mode -
II.24.1. title, date, number of the document that created the zone
II.24.2. title, date, number of the document that defines the security mode
II.24.3. the size of the protected zone (km / ha)
II.24.4. the main limitation of economic activity
II.24.5. basic authorized activities
II.25. The position of PAs in the structure of the regional land use -
II.25.1. which categories of land bordering the protected area or buffer zone нет сведений
II.25.2. objects and factors adversely affecting the protected area
II.26. The degree of disturbance of natural systems
II.27. Measures to improve the status of protected areas
II.28. Proposals to change the status of PAs / or protection regime
III. The organizational and financial support for the functioning of PA -
III.29. The number of own staff
III.30. Legal (physical) person responsible for ensuring the protection of protected areas -
III.30.1. name of company
III.30.2. codes of the organization: -
III.30.3. mailing address
III.30.4. phone
Щ.30.5. fax -
III.30.6. Е-mail
III.30.7. Name (in full) of the head
III.30.8. count employees, providing protection PA -
III.30.9. by whom and when issued security commitment -
III.30.10. security rests with the owners
III.30.10.1. Full name these persons -
III.30.10.2. mailing address
III.30.10.3. phone
III.30.10.4. by whom and when issued security commitment
III.31. protection of protected areas and buffer zone -
III.31.1. the number of raids on the territory of the protected area protection
III.31.2. the number of raids by security zone
III.31.3. the number of freelancers and public inspectors in raids:
III.31.4. the number of state and public inspectors in raids:
III.31.5. Violations нет сведений
III.31.6. detained offenders:
III.31.7. Penalties
III.31.8. filed claims totaling: нет сведений
III.31.9. instituted criminal proceedings
III.31.10. number / sq. (Ha) fire
III.31.11. the actual cost of fire-fighting
III.32. Scientific activity in protected areas -
III.32.1. the name, address organiz.vypolnyavshih research, years of work, research topics, the name and place of storage of final reports
III.33. Environmental education, health-improving, recreational activities -
III.33.1. Activities нет сведений
III.33.2. who organize нет сведений
III.33.3. museum, information center availability
III.33.4. Available excursion / hiking trails
III.33.5. The presence of hotels and tourist complexes
III.33.6. The presence of stationary training schools ..
III.33.7. Availability of medical and health institutions, boarding houses
III.33.8. the number of visitors in% by year -
III.34. Costs for the maintenance of protected areas by type and source of funding: -
III.34,1 Federal budget -
III.34.1.1. operating expenses
III.34.1.2 capital expenditures
III.34.2. Regional budget -
III.34.2.1 operating expenses
III.34.2.2 capital expenditures
III.34.3. Local budget -
III.34.3.1 operating expenses
III.34.3.2 capital expenditures
III.34.4. Extra-eco-funds -
III.34.4.1 operating expenses
III.34.4.2. capital expenditures
III.34.5. Other sources -
III.34.5.1 operating expenses
III.34.5.2 capital expenditures
III.34.6. Total: -
III.36.6.1 operating expenses -
III.34.6.2 capital expenditures -
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