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River Shumga 1

Cadastral indicators Cadastral information
Name: River Shumga 1
Cadastre number: 74:xx:xxxxxx
Code COATO: no data
Cluster: 0
The subject of the Russian Federation: Chelyabinsk region
administrative ter. education: Kusinskij
location: Kusinskij rajon
forestry: GPNP Taganaj
forestry (quarter): no data
serial number of plots: 0
topographic name: -
Code COATO: 0
Category: no data
Category of protection (RAM): no data
Forest Group: no data
Profile: hydrological
Status: федеральный
Years of creation and reorganization: no data
Total Area: no data
Square PA subordinates: 0
clustered PA: 0
PA type: 5
Cluster: 0
Category: 0
date of adoption and number of the document: 23.12.1985 № 553
Registration authority: Решение облисполкома
Sq. Protected areas, according to the documents: no data
kat.zemel of which is formed. PA: no data
form and land use: федеральная собственность
Rationale for the creation of protected areas and its significance: The mountain river. Originates at bottom of a ridge of Big Taganaj and runs into the river Coosa. The general extent of the river of 15 km. Has a considerable quantity of inflows. Water in the river very pure. River banks are very picturesque, covered by coniferous woods. Aesthetic and recreational value is of great importance for tourism, and also.
Information about allocation of international diplomas: не имеется
protected species: no data
ecosystems: -
phenomena: -
historical and cultural sites: -
another: -
Subordination: ОГУ Дирекция особо охраняемых природных территорий Челябинской области
Mailing address: 454000, г. Челябинск, ул. Карла Маркса 72а
Phone: (351) 263-93-06
Fax: (351) 263-93-06
Е-mail: oopt_chel@mail.ru
FULL NAME. head: Шаврин В.М.
Head Office Phone: (351) 263-93-06
Have subordinate PA: 0
Geographical position. Naimen.gornoy country (plain, ..) etc .: no data
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