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Levoberezh'e r. Uvel'ka (u s. Koelga)

Cadastral indicators Cadastral information
Name: Levoberezh'e r. Uvel'ka (u s. Koelga)
Cadastre number: no data
Code COATO: no data
Cluster: 0
The subject of the Russian Federation: Chelyabinsk region
administrative ter. education: Etkul'skij
location: Etkul'skij rajon
forestry: no data
forestry (quarter): no data
serial number of plots: 0
topographic name: -
Code COATO: 0
Category: no data
Category of protection (RAM): no data
Forest Group: no data
Profile: not defined
Status: no data
Years of creation and reorganization: no data
Total Area: no data
Square PA subordinates: 0
clustered PA: 0
PA type: 0
Cluster: 0
Category: 0
date of adoption and number of the document: no data
Registration authority: no data
Sq. Protected areas, according to the documents: no data
kat.zemel of which is formed. PA: no data
form and land use: no data
Rationale for the creation of protected areas and its significance: The plot of the left bank of the. Uvelka in 1 - 1.5 km downstream from. Koelga - from Blade Koelginskogo marble quarry downstream, where there are limestone outcrops with petrofitno-steppe communities, which include rare species, including sunflower Bashkir - a rare endemic of the Southern Urals, as well as nagolovatka Vasilkovaya - a very rare species in the Chelyabinsk region .
Information about allocation of international diplomas: не имеется
protected species: no data
ecosystems: no data
phenomena: no data
historical and cultural sites: no data
another: no data
Subordination: no data
Mailing address: no data
Phone: no data
Fax: no data
Е-mail: no data
FULL NAME. head: no data
Head Office Phone: no data
Have subordinate PA: 0
Geographical position. Naimen.gornoy country (plain, ..) etc .: Лесостепная зона. Зауралья и Западно-Сибирской равнины. Подзона южной лесостепи. Район южной лесостепи Западно-Сибирской равнины.
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