Cadastral indicators |
Cadastral information |
Name: |
Kljuch Eriklinskij |
Cadastre number: |
74:xx:xxxxxx |
Code COATO: |
no data |
Cluster: |
0 |
The subject of the Russian Federation: |
Chelyabinsk region |
administrative ter. education: |
Ashinskij |
location: |
Ashinskij rajon, severo-zapadnee g. Asha, okrestnosti pos. Tochil'nyj |
forestry: |
GLF, Ashinskij leshoz |
forestry (quarter): |
no data |
serial number of plots: |
0 |
topographic name: |
- |
Code COATO: |
0 |
Category: |
monument of nature |
Category of protection (RAM): |
no data |
Forest Group: |
no data |
Profile: |
hydrological |
Status: |
regional |
Years of creation and reorganization: |
no data |
Total Area: |
18 |
Square PA subordinates: |
0 |
clustered PA: |
0 |
PA type: |
5 |
Cluster: |
0 |
Category: |
5 |
date of adoption and number of the document: |
06.10.1987 № 361 |
Registration authority: |
Решение облисполкома |
Sq. Protected areas, according to the documents: |
no data |
kat.zemel of which is formed. PA: |
no data |
form and land use: |
федеральная собственность |
Rationale for the creation of protected areas and its significance: |
The natural spring, originates in the Eriklinsky broad gull, contains crystal-clear water. Runs into the river of Asha. Length of 300 metres. The water expense in August makes 15-18 l/seconds the Spring gives vent to the waters from under a heap of large blocks of limestone in the right board of a broad gull. As area of a food of a spring the northwest slopes of Sparrow mountains combined in the kernel песчаниковыми by breeds serve, most likely. In the spring the spring expense increases many times over and waters fill in a cave with the name with the same name. The cave and a spring have scientifically-practical value for studying of processes of movement of underground waters in bowels of a karstic file. |
Information about allocation of international diplomas: |
не имеется |
protected species: |
no data |
ecosystems: |
- |
phenomena: |
- |
historical and cultural sites: |
- |
another: |
- |
Subordination: |
ОГУ Дирекция особо охраняемых природных территорий Челябинской области |
Mailing address: |
454000, г. Челябинск, ул. Карла Маркса 72а |
Phone: |
(351) 263-93-06 |
Fax: |
(351) 263-93-06 |
Е-mail: | |
FULL NAME. head: |
Шаврин В.М. |
Head Office Phone: |
(351) 263-93-06 |
Have subordinate PA: |
0 |
Geographical position. Naimen.gornoy country (plain, ..) etc .: |
Лесная зона. Подзона хвойно-широколиственных и южно-таежных хвойных лесов западного склона Урала. Катав-Златоустовский район широколиственно-темнохвойных и сосново-березовых лесов |