Cadastral indicators |
Cadastral information |
Name: |
Rodnik Belyj Kljuch |
Cadastre number: |
74:xx:xxxxxx |
Code COATO: |
no data |
Cluster: |
0 |
The subject of the Russian Federation: |
Chelyabinsk region |
administrative ter. education: |
g. Zlatoust |
location: |
Administrativnaja territorija g. Zlatousta. |
forestry: |
forestry (quarter): |
no data |
serial number of plots: |
0 |
topographic name: |
- |
Code COATO: |
0 |
Category: |
no data |
Category of protection (RAM): |
no data |
Forest Group: |
no data |
Profile: |
hydrogeological |
Status: |
федеральный |
Years of creation and reorganization: |
no data |
Total Area: |
no data |
Square PA subordinates: |
0 |
clustered PA: |
0 |
PA type: |
3 |
Cluster: |
0 |
Category: |
0 |
date of adoption and number of the document: |
06.10.1987 № 361 |
Registration authority: |
Решение облисполкома |
Sq. Protected areas, according to the documents: |
no data |
kat.zemel of which is formed. PA: |
no data |
form and land use: |
федеральная собственность |
Rationale for the creation of protected areas and its significance: |
The spring leaves a crack of a granite file, is located in a beauty spot. Water in a spring pure and transparent. A spring - favourite vacation spot of tourists. The beginning a spring takes in the Silver-tongued orator and further proceeds on the earths of national natural park "TAGANAJ". |
Information about allocation of international diplomas: |
не имеется |
protected species: |
no data |
ecosystems: |
- |
phenomena: |
- |
historical and cultural sites: |
- |
another: |
- |
Subordination: |
ОГУ Дирекция особо охраняемых природных территорий Челябинской области |
Mailing address: |
454000, г. Челябинск, ул. Карла Маркса 72а |
Phone: |
(351) 263-93-06 |
Fax: |
(351) 263-93-06 |
Е-mail: | |
FULL NAME. head: |
Шаврин В.М. |
Head Office Phone: |
(351) 263-93-06 |
Have subordinate PA: |
0 |
Geographical position. Naimen.gornoy country (plain, ..) etc .: |
Лесная зона. Подзона горных среднетаежных темнохвойных лесов хребтовой полосы Урала. Район темнохвойных лесов и гольцов верхнего пояса Южного Урала |