Brief description of vegetation (% of total area.): |
The vegetation cover is formed by a combination of birch groves and pine island with patches of meadow and steppe and steppe petrofitnyh meadows. Birch and aspen-birch forests (dominated in the stand Betula pendula) are usually located on flat watersheds and steep slopes. In their grass cover is dominated by mesophilic opushechno-forest and meadow-forest species with a mixture of meadow-steppe, and along the edges often overgrown shrub steppe (Spiraea crenata, Cerasus fruticosa, Chamaecytisus ruthenicus, Cotoneaster melanocarpus). In the northern and western parts of the district sizes increase groves, and they merge with the secondary birch forests, formed in place of pine forests summarized form in places quite extensive tracts of birch forests, especially characteristic of the strip, the border with the forest zone. In the same area of pine forests spread, not always associated with rocks with and have a lot to do with grass burs neighboring areas of the forest zone (5, 6, 7). In the rest of the region pine forests are confined to gravelly soils on outcrops of hard crystalline rocks (eg granites in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk) and are typical for Trans-Ural steppe island character. Dominated by grass (mainly grass-forb and orlyakovye) and lichen pine forest types in the herb-shrub layer which is represented by a large number of forest species (Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Orthilia secunda, Pyrola chlorantha, etc.). On gentle slopes where the bedrock is covered with a cover of unconsolidated sediments in shallow depressions and partly on flat watersheds in doagrikulturny period were widespread meadow steppes, along with birch dominated the vegetation cover in the area. Communities are formed by a mixture of meadow steppe steppe sod grass (Stipa pennata, S. capillata, Festuca valesiaca sl, Koeleria cristata) from the steppe forbs (Galium ruthenicum, Filipendula vulgaris, Seseli libanotis, Adonis vernalis, Pulsatilla uralensis, Amoria montana, Salvia stepposa, Thymus marschallianus , Veronica spuria, Centaurea scabiosa, etc.), species richness and the share of which increased in the community in a better wetting. In the depressions (sinkholes flat, shallow hollows) with more favorable moisture conditions occur Community steppe meadows dominated by Calamagrostis epigeios. In another type of steppe meadows, is widespread in depressions and on slopes of hills, as well as the edges and glades of birch groves, dominated by Molinia coerulea. The deeper the depression with a near standing water table or to the outputs of key wetlands occupied by birch forests of Betula pubescens with willow and sedge understorey kochkarnikami, and sometimes low-lying marshy meadows and sedge marshes. Halophytic communities in the district distributed fairly small and confined only to river valleys and lake shores. For their relatively modest means are most characteristic of the species composition of Hordeum nevskianum, Leymus paboanus, Puccinellia tenuissima, P. hauptiana, Agrostis salsa, Plantago salsa, Juncus gerardii, Limonium gmelinii, Carex diluta, Cirsium esculentum, Taraxacum bessarabicum and others on the tops of hills and ridges and in the upper parts of slopes with outcrops of rocks and rocky outcrops along the edge of riverbanks widespread community petrofitnyh steppes. Their species composition is strongly dependent on the composition of rocks, generally in an area not very diverse, and is most common in fescue-wormwood and wormwood ovsetsovo community with a sparse ground cover of Festuca valesiaca, Helictotrichon desertorum, Artemisia frigida, A. sericea, A. commutata, Echinops crispus, Onosma simplicissima, Centaurea sibirica, Alyssum tortuosum, A. lenense, Dianthus acicularis, Silene baschkirorum, Thymus bashkiriensis, Potentilla humifusa, P. pensylvanica. Richer petrofitno-steppe and rock community with rare species (Minuartia krascheninnikovii, M. helmii, Schiwereckia hyperborea, Chamaerhodos erecta, Astragalus falcatus) are found on limestone outcrops along the rivers Bagaryak, Cinara (near the mouth of the river. Karabolka) and Miass (at n . Bol. Balandin). Vegetation cover area is very heavily modified by human economic activity, which resulted in almost all parts of the meadow-steppe and steppe grasslands were plowed, especially of birch and pine forests was strongly reduced due to logging and fires, and pine forests to a large extent replaced by derivatives of birch. |
title, source, status, category of rarity: Plants |
Ковыль красивейший - Stipa pulcherrima, C.Koch, Кк РФ, Кк ЧО (III), (Материалы гербариев; данные П.В. Куликова).
Ковыль перистый - Stipa pennata L., Кк РФ, Кк ЧО (III), (Проект схемы..., 2006).
Минуарция Гельма - Minuartia helmii (Fisch. ex Ser.) Schisck., Кк РФ, Кк ЧО (III), (Красная книга Челябинской области, 2005).
Минуарция Крашенинникова - Minuartia krascheninnikovii Schischk., Кк РФ, Кк ЧО (III), (Красная книга Челябинской области, 2005).
Шиверекия северная (шиверекия подольская, шиверекия икотниковая, шиверекия горная) - Schivereckia hyperborea (L.) Berkutenko, Кк ЧО (III), (Красная книга Челябинской области, 2005).
Ясменник скальный - Asperula petraea V.Krecz. ex Klok., Кк ЧО (приложение 2), (Проект схемы..., 2006). |