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Sopka Listvennaja

Cadastral indicators Cadastral information
number of rivers, ed .: 1
number of lakes, ed. 0
number of ponds, ed. 0
number of swamps, ed .: 0
sea water area, ha: 0
Topographical names of the main hydrological features no data
Brief description of vegetation (% of total area.): Vegetation cover area is mainly represented by these herb-feather and feather-fescue steppes, and meadow, shrub steppes and salty. As edificators steppe communities usually act Stipa pennata (mainly in the northern region), S. zalesskii, S. lessingiana, S. korshinskyi (in the southern region), S. capillata and Festuca valesiaca s. l. In the field exit to the surface of the bedrock at the tops and slopes of hills, on slopes of river valleys are widespread petrofitnye steppe - sagebrush-fescue, Festuca-Stipa, ovsetsovye, herb-ovsetsovye. In the valleys there are salty meadows Hordeum nevskianum, Limonium gmelinii, and others, but overall the halophyte communities in the district spread is limited. In the depressions are also found kochkarniki sedge, willow and small lowland sedge marshes. Large areas in central and southern parts of the area occupied island pine forests, the largest of which sizes have Dzhabyk-Karagai, Black, and Tugunsky Bredinskie forests. All of them are confined to granite outcrops in the hills of the Ural-Tobolsk watershed with nepolnorazvitymi detrital soils. The rest of the district forest vegetation is represented by birch and aspen-birch forests, confined to the depressions and hollows. Due to the relatively high forest cover due to azonal factors, landscape area called the "false-steppe" (Krasheninnikov, 1928). The grass cover is dominated by groves and pine forests are usually steppe and meadow-steppe species, but in the woods and found a number of typical forest species, uncharacteristic of the steppe zone and grow considerably south of the border the main range (Athyrium filix-femina, Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Dryopteris filix-mas, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Chimaphila umbellata, Moneses uniflora, Orthilia secunda, Pyrola chlorantha, P. media, P. rotundifolia, Trientalis europaea, Ribes spicatum, Rubus idaeus, Lathyrus vernus, Aegopodium podagraria, Angelica sylvestris, Pulmonaria mollis, Cacalia hastata, Cirsium heterophyllum, C. oleraceum, Crepis sibirica, Lilium pilosiusculum, Paris quadrifolia, Cypripedium calceolus, Dactylorhiza hebridensis, Platanthera bifolia, Elymus caninus, Melica nutans, etc.). In the pine forests of the island area is dominated by dry steppe forest types (stony forests) and pine woodlands melkozlakovye. Pine forest area badly affected by logging and fires have significantly reduced their area, in places replaced by derivatives of birch. Herb-feather grass, feather grass-fescue and meadow steppe region is almost entirely under cultivation, and survived only in small areas. Much better preserved petrofitnye steppe, occupying the district a considerable area, but they are prone to overgrazing and regular Palamas.
description of vegetation no data
Age, years no data
prevailing forest types: no data
prevailing bonitets: no data
stock, cbm: no data
a summary of the biodiversity: no data
Taxonomic groups of fungi no data
taxonomic groups of plants: no data
taxonomic groups of animals: no data
list of endangered species in protected areas. Types of fungi: no data
title, source, status, category of rarity: no data
species of plants: no data
title, source, status, category of rarity: Plants no data
Types of animals: no data
title, source, status, category of rarity (animals) no data
Brief description of the medical resources no data
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