Cadastral indicators |
Cadastral information |
Name, address of organizations performing |
Проект лесоустройства 1985 г.Закавказское лесоустроительное предприятие, 1985-1986гг. |
Activities |
нет сведений |
Who organizes |
нет сведений |
The presence of the museum, information center, |
no data |
Available excursion / hiking trails |
no data |
The presence of hotels and tourist complexes |
no data |
The presence of stationary training schools .. |
no data |
Availability of medical and health institutions, boarding houses |
1 |
Federal budget. Operating expenses |
no data |
Federal budget. Capital expenditures |
no data |
Region budget. Operating expenses |
no data |
Region budget. Capital expenditures |
no data |
The local budget. Operating expenses |
no data |
The local budget. Capital expenses |
no data |
Extra-eco-funds. Operating expenses |
no data |
Extra-eco-funds. Capital expenses |
no data |
Other sources. Operating expenses |
no data |
Other sources. Capital expenses |
no data |