| Language:

Lake Elovoe

Cadastral indicators Cadastral information
Legend Land (ha,% of pl.): no data
forest land, total (ha): no data
covered with forest vegetation (including forest-cult)): no data
no covered with forest vegetation (including forest-cult)): no data
non-closed forest cultures: no data
forest nurseries, plantations: no data
natural sparse forests: no data
smell of burning: no data
dead stands: no data
cutting: no data
glade: no data
non-forest land, total (ha), incl .: no data
- arable land no data
- hay: no data
- pastures: no data
- water (ponds): no data
- roads, clearings: no data
- estates, land settlements: no data
- swamp: no data
- sands: no data
- icehouse: no data
- straight lines: no data
- other land: no data
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