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List of Protected Areas

Karagajskij  gosudarstvennyj prirodnyj zakaznik
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Karagajskij gosudarstvennyj prirodnyj zakaznik

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Verhneural'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: biological
The general data: Complex. Located in the boron Karagai island. Protected by all sorts of wildlife: ungulates, Borovaya poultry, rabbits, etc.
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Ahmatovskaja kop'
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Ahmatovskaja kop'

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Kusinskij
Category: без категории
Profile: geological
The general data: Mineralogical mine - described about 30 minerals. Source unique collection material: "brush" pure dark red garnets, large crystals vezuviona, epidote, diopside, white crystals of zircon, sphene, perovskite.
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Cheljabinskij bor  (gorodskoj)
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Cheljabinskij bor (gorodskoj)

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. г. Челябинск
Category: monument of nature
Profile: botanical
The general data: Chelyabinsk (city) boron is particularly important in abatement, water security, hygiene, health and recreational value, is a unique island with boron, a relic of the Pleistocene periglacial forest-steppe, located in the city of Chelyabinsk.
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Vyhody vulkanicheskoj lavy podvodnogo morskogo obrazovanija
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Vyhody vulkanicheskoj lavy podvodnogo morskogo obrazovanija

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Magnitogorsk
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: According to experts the status of a natural monument must be removed.
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Gornyj lug hrebta Chashkovskogo
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Gornyj lug hrebta Chashkovskogo

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Miass
Category: monument of nature
Profile: botanical
The general data: Located on the western shore of the lake. Ilmenski.
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Cave Nadezhda
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Cave Nadezhda

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Satka i Satkinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: Karst cave under the former riverbed p. The heater. The total length of cave passages 250 m, a cascade of water wells a total depth of 50 m.
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Shemahinskoe karstovoe pole
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Shemahinskoe karstovoe pole

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Njazepetrovskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: Shemakha karst field, with its diverse karst is a very interesting object - a sample of active underground hydrological network. Is of great scientific and practical znachenie.Shemahinskoe karst field is limited to beds of three rivers: the Upper Shemakha Dry Shemakha and Morozkina (Lower Shemakha). Replete with swallow holes, caves and mines, ...
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Ufimskij celebnyj istochnik
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Ufimskij celebnyj istochnik

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Njazepetrovskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Healing spring. The water temperature never exceeds 10 degrees. Fuels river Ufa.
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Urtazymckie ckaly
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Urtazymckie ckaly

Region, rajon: Orenburg region. Кваркенский район
Category: без категории
Profile: geological
The general data: Grandioznyy, vycotoy do 30 m izvectnyakovyy pravoberezhnyy obryv nad priuctevoy chactyu r.Bol.Urtazymki. Vazhneyshiy opornyy razrez karbonatnykh otlozheniy nizhnego karbona. V izvectnyakakh raznoobrazie form ractvoreniya. Nad obryvom, na platoobraznykh poverkhnoctyakh, kotorye v proshlom byli poverkhnoctyami naplactovaniya izvectnyakov, ...
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Razrez Ctaroaydyrlinckogo nikelevogo karera
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Razrez Ctaroaydyrlinckogo nikelevogo karera

Region, rajon: Orenburg region. Кваркенский район
Category: без категории
Profile: geological
The general data: V bortakh karera, v otvalakh i octatkakh rudnogo cklada predctavlena geologiya redkogo dlya regiona kontaktovogo-karctovogo tipa nikelevykh rud, razrabotka kotorykh velac do 60-kh godov. Ruda predctavlena rudami c limonitom, nontronitom, culfidami i gumucom, kotorye nakopilic v ozere, cushchectvovavshem v paleogene i neogene na kontakte ...
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Mayachnye ociny
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Mayachnye ociny

Region, rajon: Orenburg region. без категории
Category: без категории
Profile: botanical
The general data: Dva ocinovykh koloka ociny vycotoy do 15-20m.-  krayniy  yugo-voctochnyy forpoct lecnoy ractitelnocti v Orenburgckoy oblacti. Khorosho vidimyy orientir. Vokrug kolkov proickhodit racpashka
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Gucikhinckaya ctep
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Gucikhinckaya ctep

Region, rajon: Оренбургская область. Кваркенский район
Category: без категории
Profile: complex (landscape)
The general data:
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Vodopad Kuk-Karauk
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Vodopad Kuk-Karauk

Region, rajon: Республика Башкортостан. без категории
Category: без категории
Profile: hydrogeological
The general data: Vodopad coctoit iz neckolkikh kackadov c obshchey vycotoy 10-12 m. V letnee vremya, kogda vodnyy potok Kukrauk meleet, vodopad pochti icchezaet: octayutcya lish nebolshie ctruyki, obnazhaya maccu kamennykh glyb. Vokrug vodopada gornoe redkolece, coctoyashchee iz lipy, olkhi ceroy, vyaza, berezy borodavchatoy. Credi ckalnykh racteniy ...
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