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List of Protected Areas

Shemahinskaja peshhera v okrestnostjah stancii Skaz
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Shemahinskaja peshhera v okrestnostjah stancii Skaz

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Njazepetrovskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: The cave entrance is situated in a rocky outcrop foot cliff right bank of the river bottom Shemakha. At 70 meters from the entrance to the underground lake depth 2,2 meters. In winter, the formation of a variety of glacigenous forms: ice stalactites and stalagmites, delicate curtains of ice crystals ineya.Peschera permanently waterlogged, the ...
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Kozitovyj ovrag
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Kozitovyj ovrag

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Njazepetrovskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: The ravine is characterized by numerous swallow holes and caves. On this site there are 6 caves: Suhoshemahinskaya, Dry Shemakha-2, Dry Shemakha-3, Dry Shemakha-4, Dry Shemakha-5. This karst object is part of Shemakha karst field and the initial part of his large hydrological network and the cave system. Has scientific and practical value as an ...
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Listvennichnaja roshha
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Listvennichnaja roshha

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Njazepetrovskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: botanical
The general data: Unique plot plantings of larch. age of the trees - 140 years. Trees are in good condition, stands vysokobonitetnye. The object has a large selection and thematic significance.
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Reliktovyj el'nik
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Reliktovyj el'nik

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Njazepetrovskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: botanical
The general data: Unique site of spruce stands of natural origin. Age of the trees - 120 years. Plantings vysokobonitetnye.
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Uchastok river Ufa between Timofeevym i Zajkinym kamnjami
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Uchastok river Ufa between Timofeevym i Zajkinym kamnjami

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Njazepetrovskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The most picturesque part of the river between Timofeev and Zaykin stones. At this point, Ufa river carves its way through the mountain uplift, Bardymsky connecting ridge with the Ufa Plateau. For 6 - 7 km river Ufa flows like a coil several times changing direction 180 degrees. In the area of ​​the river d.Araslanovo suitable solid stone wall ...
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Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. без категории
Category: без категории
Profile: complex (landscape)
The general data: Historical-landscape museum-reserve Arkaim was organized in 1991 (as a branch Ilmensky reserve) in the steppe zone of the border and Kizilskogo Bredinskogo districts of the area 3.7 ha. The main object of protection is a unique archaeological monument - a proto-urban settlement of the Bronze Age. The museum-reserve are relatively well-preserved ...
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Lake Sladkoe
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Lake Sladkoe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Oktjabr'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: A small pond. Popular with the public because of high medicinal properties of lake water and silt mud. Dominated by the depth of 1-1,5 meters. Alkaline water is very soft, high salinity. On the northern and eastern sides of the lake is surrounded by picturesque coastal forests. The lake come to be treated for diseases of musculoskeletal and skin ...
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Demarinskij bor
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Demarinskij bor

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Plast
Category: monument of nature
Profile: botanical
The general data: Island forest. Rospolozhen in the southern forest-steppe subzone, the output of crystalline rocks. In the stand dominated by Scots pine with an admixture of birch and aspen. Of shrubs common: steppe cherry, cotoneaster Aronia, broom Russian, hips, etc. Diverse species composition of vegetation, there are plants that are listed in the Red Book ...
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Andreevskij kamennyj kar'er
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Andreevskij kamennyj kar'er

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Plast
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: The oldest enterprise of the Southern Urals gold and polymetallic ores. Careers with rocky sides, 6-7 m tall, recreation and tourism, in 1921 Academician Smirnov opened a rare mineral Jordanit.
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Borisovskie sopki
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Borisovskie sopki

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Plast
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: Low mountain buttes, which span approximately 6 km in length, a width of up to 1, 5 km along the Kamenka River. These hills in the forest steppe of the Southern Urals owe their origin to kyanite quartzites - resistant to the weathering of rocks, forming large lens among siritsitovyh shale. Collectible minerals kyanite crystals are green, often ...
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Sanarskij bor
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Sanarskij bor

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Troick i Troickij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: botanical
The general data: Monument of nature is particularly important environmental, recreational and health value for the population of the Chelyabinsk region and other regions of the Russian Federation, is a unique island with boron, located in the steppe zone.
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Vjazovaja roshha
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Vjazovaja roshha

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Satka i Satkinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: botanical
The general data: Elm Grove is a unique site among broad-leaved forests of spruce and fir forests. in this area has formed an amazing microclimate: on all sides surrounded by a grove of mountain ranges in the woods and around a set of springs. Age 60-80 years old elm trees, in addition to the undergrowth grows a linden. Local people are trafficked annually into the ...
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Lake Zjuratkul'
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Lake Zjuratkul'

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Satka i Satkinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Lake Zyuratkul - one of the most unique monuments of nature and archeology. For the unique beauty of it is called "Ural Ritz. " The most high-altitude lake in the area. Located in the mountains at an altitude of 724 meters above sea level, surrounded by mountain ranges Nurgush, Bitch, Moskal. On the shores of the lake found the settlement of stone ...
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