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Pojmennye luga r. Uj u p. Krutojarskogo
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Pojmennye luga r. Uj u p. Krutojarskogo

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Oktjabr'skij
Category: без категории
Profile: botanical
The general data: Located downstream, 5 km from the village. Here grow rare species of plants: Russian grouse, hazel grouse shahmatovidny, tulip Bieberstein. Intended to be a floral sanctuary at district level with limited economic activity.
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Kovyl'naja step' mezhdu selami Berezovskoe i Petrovka
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Kovyl'naja step' mezhdu selami Berezovskoe i Petrovka

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Oktjabr'skij
Category: без категории
Profile: not defined
The general data: These setpi Kazakh type feather Zaleski, here found iris low. recommended as a botanical nature sanctuary at district level.
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Uchastok kamenistoj stepi v ust'e reki Chernoj
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Uchastok kamenistoj stepi v ust'e reki Chernoj

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Oktjabr'skij
Category: без категории
Profile: complex (landscape)
The general data: Located on the left bank of the. Black in 1,5 km from its confluence with the p. Yd. Stony feather fescue grassland steppe with petrophytic species. Met with rare species of plants - feather-Zaleski, astragalus Volga, backache yellowing, ephedra dvuhkoloskovaya. It is proposed to declare land a natural monument of local importance.
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