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Geologicheskij razrez proterozoja na oz. Itkul'

Cadastral indicators Cadastral information
number of rivers, ed .: 0
number of lakes, ed. 1
number of ponds, ed. 0
number of swamps, ed .: 0
sea water area, ha: 0
Topographical names of the main hydrological features no data
Brief description of vegetation (% of total area.): The vegetation is the area most prevalent pine forest, represented mainly by grass (forb-grass and shirokotravnymi, especially orlyakovymi) types. Frequent and grass-sphagnum bog and pine forests, while the steppe is rare and in small areas, mainly in the upper slopes of southern exposure. Due to prolonged exposure to logging and fires, pine area, large areas of birch forests were replaced by derivatives from Betula pendula. Derivatives are also less common aspen. Coniferous species and lime occasionally found only in the western region, and herbaceous species nemoral floristic complex are rare and confined to the grassy pine and alder-bird cherry uremnym thickets in river valleys. Despite the prolonged and intense human impact on forest vegetation region, its high percentage of forest land and at this time. Significant areas also occupied by grasslands (mainly mesophytic grass-forb), in most cases have poslelesnoe origin. Widespread wetland phytocoenoses, and along with eutrophic and oligotrophic mesotrophic common sphagnum bogs with pine and complex shrubs and herbaceous plants typical of the taiga zone of swamps. Steppe vegetation is not typical for the area and represented only fragments, is extremely small in size and poor in the species composition of communities on the tops of the highest elevations (eg at Mount Sacred to the south of subsection Nizh. Ufalej).
description of vegetation no data
Age, years no data
prevailing forest types: no data
prevailing bonitets: no data
stock, cbm: no data
a summary of the biodiversity: no data
Taxonomic groups of fungi no data
taxonomic groups of plants: no data
taxonomic groups of animals: no data
list of endangered species in protected areas. Types of fungi: no data
title, source, status, category of rarity: no data
species of plants: no data
title, source, status, category of rarity: Plants no data
Types of animals: no data
title, source, status, category of rarity (animals) no data
Brief description of the medical resources no data
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