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List of Protected Areas

Min'jarskij prud
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Min'jarskij prud

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Ashinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Minjarsky pond - an artificial reservoir. It is formed at merge of the river by This and the river of Minjar. Very picturesque coast surrounded coniferous (fir) and deciduous wood plantings. In days of war (1941 - 1945) on the river by This it was spent молевой an alloy. Now the bottom of the Minjarsky pond is filled топляком larches, firs. This ...
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Kljuch Eralashnyj
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Kljuch Eralashnyj

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Ashinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Natural spring. Leaves from under rock. Differs a moving outcome, pulses with an unstable interval. Has informative value. Fine spring water involves tourists. However, the key has got "celebrity" at the expense of inconstancy. The phenomenon of moving demands studying.
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Sosnovyj bor «Zolotaja Sopka»
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Sosnovyj bor «Zolotaja Sopka»

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Troick i Troickij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: botanical
The general data: Island pine forest. Is on steppe and forest-steppe border. In plantings prevail a pine ordinary, a birch warty. It is very original drevesno-kustarnikovaja P-circle vegetation: a cherry steppe, кизильник черноплодный, a broom Russian, a dogrose. The affinity of a city renders additional anthropogenous loading on a pine forest. The pine forest ...
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Park «Stepnye zori»
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Park «Stepnye zori»

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Troick i Troickij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: botanical
The general data: The park is located in Troitsk area, put at 70-80 х years of century before last by merchants of Urazaevym, Volkovym, Nanbaevym. Served them as a summer summer residence. In park the tubercular sanatorium now is located. In park 40 kinds of trees and bushes grow. Pine avenues with sites of a larch, a fur-tree, a cedar, карагача, an oak ...
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Kuvajskij log
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Kuvajskij log

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Troick i Troickij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: Rocky exits of clay slates and мраморизованных limestones, the general extent of 530 metres along river bank Sanarka. The Beauty spot. It is perspective for the organisation of tourism, recreational use.
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Geologicheskij razrez vulkanogenno-osadochnyh porod s iskopaemoj faunoj v izluchine reki Uvel'ki
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Geologicheskij razrez vulkanogenno-osadochnyh porod s iskopaemoj faunoj v izluchine reki Uvel'ki

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Troick i Troickij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: It is located in rocky exits in height to nine metres, throughout 800 m on river bank Uvelki. It is combined by vulkanogenno-sedimentary breeds with fossil fauna - трилобитами and брахиоподами ордовика - the beginnings of Paleozoic history of Ural Mountains. Is one of basic cuts at geological картировании. The object has the important ...
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Cave Eriklinskaja (Tochil'naja)
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Cave Eriklinskaja (Tochil'naja)

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Ashinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: The input in a cave of the wrong form, height about one metre, width - 0,6 m. Through 12 m from an input a corridor extends to 3-4 m, forming extended in the direction of halls. All its distant part is filled in by water. Underground lake the Cave Eriklinsky has length about 5 m, depth of 1-1,5 m. is located in 40-50 m from the karstic spring with ...
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Kljuch Eriklinskij
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Kljuch Eriklinskij

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Ashinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The natural spring, originates in the Eriklinsky broad gull, contains crystal-clear water. Runs into the river of Asha. Length of 300 metres. The water expense in August makes 15-18 l/seconds the Spring gives vent to the waters from under a heap of large blocks of limestone in the right board of a broad gull. As area of a food of a spring the ...
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Sinie rodniki
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Sinie rodniki

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Ashinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Group of the natural springs following from bottom of the Minjarsky plateau. Are located in a beauty spot. Have the big recreational and aesthetic value. Sources of drinking water supply of Minjar. The district is attractive to tourists, the organisation of excursions. Springs are surrounded by coniferous woods with prevalence of a fir.
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River Asha
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River Asha

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Ashinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The mountain river. Its length of 44 km. Originates at a ridge of Karatau. It is framed by picturesque coast. Has pure spring water. Represents great value for tourism. On river banks grow fir and fir forests. Sometimes there are also lime woods. From two parties the river is surrounded by ridges in height of 400 m and more.
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Cave Kiselevskaja
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Cave Kiselevskaja

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Ashinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: The karstic cave representing a chain of grottoes, connected among themselves transitions. Secondary formations: stalactites, stalagmites, accumulate, гуры. Total length of courses and grottoes of a cave of 1260 m, depth of 32 m. Object of scientifically-informative value. All grottoes have names. The biggest grotto of a cave - the Banquet room, ...
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Cave Suhaja Atja
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Cave Suhaja Atja

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Ashinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: The input in a cave opens in the basis of an abrupt dome-shaped rock from fine-grained Silurian limestone, on right to river bank Atja. The input represents wide (to 25) an arch in height of 1,5-2 m. At once from an input the chain of large halls and galleries begins. In the winter and in the spring in a cave the ice formations diversified under ...
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Geologicheskie obnazhenija argillitov
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Geologicheskie obnazhenija argillitov

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Ashinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: Rocky exposures аргиллитов. The rests геологически dated fossil fauna have given the grounds to carry a cut to basic at geological картировании. Has informative value. The object has the big aesthetic and recreational value. These picturesque rocks of white-pink colour passing on the South Ural railway are well visible.
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