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List of Protected Areas

Verhneural'skij rodnik
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Verhneural'skij rodnik

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Verhneural'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The spring is located in an East side of Verhneuralsk at a foot of a stone hill. A powerful source of the potable water containing родон and many microcells that gives it curative properties. All having a rest and the tourists who have visited on a stone hill, come on a spring behind water. The spring is fenced and arranged well.
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Lake Itkul'
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Lake Itkul'

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Verhnij Ufalej
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: One of the most beautiful lakes of Southern Ural Mountains. Coast high, are combined by crystal slates. In a southern part of lake from water the picturesque rock which name the Shaitan-stone sharply rises. Along southeast and east coast passes протерозойский a geological cut. Depths in lake reach 10 - 12 m, water pure. Into lake runs 13 small ...
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Mountain Bol'shoj Kamen'
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Mountain Bol'shoj Kamen'

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Verhneural'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: The grebnevidnaja mountain-ostanets the Big Stone was formed for the account of processes денатурации. Extent of mountain about 1 km, height from a sole of 160 m, above sea level 560 m. Was formed for the account дайки лестиваритов, capacity some tens metres. Academician D.S.Beljankin who for the first time has described these breeds in 1911, has ...
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Mountain Red Kamen'
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Mountain Red Kamen'

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Verhnij Ufalej
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: The picturesque mountain of greenish colour combined серпентинитами, is located near Top Ufaleja. In days of civil war by White Guards the Soviet active workers here have been shot. Thanks to this bloody event the mountain has the name - the Red Stone. Has informative, scientific, historical value.
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Geologicheskij razrez proterozoja na oz. Itkul'
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Geologicheskij razrez proterozoja na oz. Itkul'

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Verhnij Ufalej
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: The most representative cut of a complex метаморфических the formations framing alkaline breeds of Cherry and Ilmensky mountains. Object of scientifically-informative value: displays of phosphorites and хромитов, garnet beaches on the lake of Itkul, a wide variety of rocks.
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Shigirskie sopki
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Shigirskie sopki

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Verhnij Ufalej
Category: monument of nature
Profile: complex (landscape)
The general data: Two hills located on the right coast of the river of Ufa, near a small river Shigir mouth, differ extraordinary beauty. Ufa bends around them from three parties, and there are they as two watchtowers. Hills only 700 - 1000 m in diameter, correct конусовидной forms (over river level tower on 180 - 200). It is visible them from apart. Hills ...
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Nikelevyj profil' kory vyvetrivanija na Juzhnom Urale (Novo-Cheremshanskij kar'er)
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Nikelevyj profil' kory vyvetrivanija na Juzhnom Urale (Novo-Cheremshanskij kar'er)

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Verhnij Ufalej
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: The nickel open-cast mine is formed on a place of the Cheremshansky deposit of nickel. Depth of an open-cast mine more than 100 m, width - some honeycombs of metres. Nikelesoderzhashchie minerals concentrate here not traditionally (in an aeration bark серпентинитов), and fill with глинами karstic cavities on contact with гипербазитами. Object of ...
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Etkul'skij bor
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Etkul'skij bor

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Etkul'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: botanical
The general data: It is unique the arrangement in a forest-steppe zone and riches of specific structure of an underbrush and a grassy cover, a combination of wood and steppe flora. In a forest stand the pine ordinary (95 %) with an impurity of a birch warty, aspens prevails. From bushes - a hawthorn, a dogrose, a cherry steppe, a raspberry, a broom Russian, a black ...
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Lake Bol'shoj Shantropaj
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Lake Bol'shoj Shantropaj

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Etkul'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Large reservoir. Water of the raised mineralization and щёлочности, a mineral dirt by capacity about 1 metre is at the bottom found out. Has the big improving and recreational value. Average depth - 3.4 metres, maximum - 4.6 metres. The lake has the correct form, is extended from the north on the south. Length of lake of 3 km, average width of 1.8 ...
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Lake Borovushka
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Lake Borovushka

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Etkul'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The small reservoir, is located in Etkulsky area. It is surrounded picturesque, поросшими by a pine, coast. Rich water vegetation (water-lilies). The lake represents a karstic failure of the roundish form. Depths considerable, to 5-6 metres. Lake бессточное, favorable conditions for зарастания a coastal part are created. Are formed сплавины which ...
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Lake Gor'koe
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Lake Gor'koe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Uvel'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: One of the natural objects of Zauralye most valuable in the medical relation. Depth of lake to 2 - 3 m. Water alkaline. Ground adjournment are presented by the mineral dirt which stocks make 200 thousand in cubic m. Balneal resources of lake можо widely to use in mud cure of oncological and other diseases. Presence on coast of lake of birch wood, ...
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Otkliknoj Greben'
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Otkliknoj Greben'

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Zlatoust
Category: без категории
Profile: geological
The general data: The otkliknoj crest is presented by a number of picturesque quartz rocks. Vicinities are covered by coniferous woods. (A larch, a pine, a fur-tree). The otkliknoj crest is favourite vacation spot of tourists. Besides sports-tourist, recreational value of the given object is great also.
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River Bol'shaja Tes'ma
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River Bol'shaja Tes'ma

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Zlatoust
Category: без категории
Profile: hydrogeological
The general data: The mountain river. Proceeds on stony scatterings among abrupt rocky coast, поросших coniferous woods. A source of drinking water supply of the Silver-tongued orator. Length of the river of 18 kilometres. Originates between ridges of Big Taganaj and Njazemsky. On the Big Band the water basin is built. The river is object of sports-tourist and ...
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