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List of Protected Areas

River Malaja Tes'ma
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River Malaja Tes'ma

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Zlatoust
Category: без категории
Profile: hydrogeological
The general data: River inflow the Big Band. Its length of 14 km, the mountain river with pure water, a source of drinking water supply of the Silver-tongued orator. As a river source the small streamlet following from under ridges of large stones serves. The streamlet gradually turns to the river in width from 5 to 15 metres, flowing on a stony bed with very ...
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Mountain Kosotur
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Mountain Kosotur

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Zlatoust
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: Mountain on a joint of Taganajsky mountain knot and a ridge of Urenga. Picturesque steep rocks, set of springs, relic coniferous wood. Object of recreational value. A forest-park part of a green zone of the Silver-tongued orator. At a mountain foot in 1754 the Kosotursky factory from which the city has grown is put. Height of mountain Kosotur of ...
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Rodnik Belyj Kljuch
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Rodnik Belyj Kljuch

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Zlatoust
Category: без категории
Profile: hydrogeological
The general data: The spring leaves a crack of a granite file, is located in a beauty spot. Water in a spring pure and transparent. A spring - favourite vacation spot of tourists. The beginning a spring takes in the Silver-tongued orator and further proceeds on the earths of national natural park "TAGANAJ".
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Vershina gory Icyl
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Vershina gory Icyl

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Zlatoust
Category: без категории
Profile: geological
The general data: Is on an eastern frontier of national park "Taganaj". Height of the highest point of the Itsilsky ridge - 1068 metres above sea level. Is dark-coniferous woods, including relic fir groves Here grow. Relic fir groves of east slope of mountain Itsyl were included into the list of 370 most remarkable landscapes of the former USSR (the collection ...
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Mit'kiny skaly
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Mit'kiny skaly

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Zlatoust
Category: без категории
Profile: geological
The general data: Are to the north of a city of the Silver-tongued orator, between the Two-headed hill and Otkliknym a crest, a ridge Blshoj Taganaj. Rocks-ostantsy, are combined by quartzites (таганайтами). As the object of sports-tourist and reactionary value is protected by park "Taganaj" administration
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Ostancy «Tri brata»
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Ostancy «Tri brata»

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Zlatoust
Category: без категории
Profile: geological
The general data: Ostanci are on a ridge of Big Taganaj between mountains Kruglitsa and Big Taganaj. Picturesque rocks-ostantsy at top of the ridge combined by quartzites, involve the numerous tourists visiting national park. Stone giants rise over firs on 40-metre height. The object has aesthetic, turistsko-excursion value.
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Kurochkin log
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Kurochkin log

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Kasli i Kaslinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: Nefelinovaja sienitpegmatitovaja the vein opened with two picturesque open-cast mines in length to 80 m. Is opened in 1926 the inhabitant P.I.Sviridovym from Kasli as a deposit of feldspar and fulfilled in the forties. Collection, поделочное raw materials - нефелин, вишневит, zircon, egerin. Here it is possible to find crystals of egirin-augite in ...
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Lake Svetlen'koe
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Lake Svetlen'koe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Kasli i Kaslinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Has the important balneal value. Is to the West from lake Sungul. Lake slaboptotochnoe. At the bottom powerful adjournment of sapropelic silt (to 4-6). On the properties they concern to известковистым to sapropels and possess valuable medical properties. In places of exits of radonic sources they possess the raised radio-activity. A medical dirt ...
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Uchastok 100-letnih kul'tur sosny
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Uchastok 100-letnih kul'tur sosny

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Kasli i Kaslinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: botanical
The general data: In three km severo-to the east with. Черкаскуль in 1874 pines have been planted. The initiator of landing was landowner Nikolay Alekseevich Zlokazov. The direct management over landing has been assigned to managing director Klenkova Alexander Ivanovicha. A landing material took under wood bed curtains, transferred on the picked up area and put ...
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Lake Dolgoe
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Lake Dolgoe

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Kasli i Kaslinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The lake Long was stretched to the right of road from Kasli to Kyshtym. It can serve as the standard of a natural reservoir of these edges. Has the extended form, from the northwest on the southeast. Around pine wood. From the east protected enough abrupt, there are exits of rocks, from the West - boggy with reed thickets. Water pure, ultrafresh.
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Reka Tjuljuk
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Reka Tjuljuk

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Katav-Ivanovsk i Katav-Ivanovskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The most high-mountainous river of the Chelyabinsk area. The right inflow of the river Jurjuzan, runs into it a little above village Tjuljuk. Length of the river Tjuljuk of 17 km. From "river knot" where sources White, Aja and inflows of Ural Mountains, it originates. In the upper courses of Tjuljuk some time flows underground, further the river ...
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Ignat'evskaja peshhera
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Ignat'evskaja peshhera

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Katav-Ivanovsk i Katav-Ivanovskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: The input in a cave looks like a grandiose arch-trapeze with the sizes 12х12м and is located in a rocky exposure of the right coast of the river by This at height of 8 m from water. The cave is known to people from time immemorial. Its first description is made by P.I.Rychkovym and concerns 1762 In 1980г. The group of archeologists under the ...
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Skala Kol'co
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Skala Kol'co

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Katav-Ivanovsk i Katav-Ivanovskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: Is on right to river bank This upstream. The karstic arch has the difficult form with three apertures. The sizes of biggest of them 3 on 4 m, length (depth of pass in an arch) 5 m. This form of a karstic relief is the rest of a rocky file in which the ancient cave earlier has been put. Karstic bridges, tunnels and arches is interesting, ...
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