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List of Protected Areas

Cave Komsomol'skaja
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Cave Komsomol'skaja

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Ashinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: Karstic cave on contact of limestones миньярской retinues and глауконитовых sandstones. Clay stalactites, stalagmites. Total length of courses of a cave of 546 m, depth of 78 m that is the maximum depth for the Chelyabinsk area. In system of clay grottoes clay stalactites seldom meeting in another caves and stalagmites have been found out. Animal ...
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Bredinskij bor
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Bredinskij bor

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Bredinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: botanical
The general data: Island pine forest. Into forest stand structure enter: a pine, a larch, a birch повислая. Has big recreational and средообразующее value. Is in a steppe zone on exits докембрийских crystal breeds. The most southern island pine forest in the Chelyabinsk area. The lesopokrytaja area makes only 30 %.
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Geologicheskoe obnazhenie gory Majachnoj s drevnej faunoj
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Geologicheskoe obnazhenie gory Majachnoj s drevnej faunoj

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Bredinskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: Exposure терригенных breeds with characteristic fauna bottom ордовика. The object has the important scientific and applied value in geological studying of region. It is presented by the small height extended in меридиональном a direction. On the area 1,2 х 0,7 km in numerous exposures, artificial developments in 1954-56 ордовика, one of the most ...
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Skal'nye vyhody  graptolitov v doline reki Nizhnij Toguzak
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Skal'nye vyhody graptolitov v doline reki Nizhnij Toguzak

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Varnenskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: In a river valley Bottom Toguzak rocky exits метаморфических breeds with fossil палеофауной and flora are found out. A basic cut at geological картировании. The object has scientifically-informative, tourist-excursion value.
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Shumnyj brod v doline reki Toguzak
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Shumnyj brod v doline reki Toguzak

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Varnenskij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The natural complex, includes picturesque rocks on left to river bank Toguzak. The Nature sanctuary declares a site in the extent of 2 km to border with Kazakhstan. On the right coast it was stretched kovylno-raznotravnaja steppe. Rocks reach heights 20 - 30 m, are combined интрузивными by breeds of verhne-Paleozoic age (250 - 300 million years), ...
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Karagajskij bor
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Karagajskij bor

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Verhneural'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: botanical
The general data: Island pine forest. Into forest stand structure enter: a pine, a larch, a birch повислая. The pine forest has big средообразующее value. It is unique the position on a joint of mountain-wood, forest-steppe and steppe zones, an originality and riches of specific structure. In an underbrush: кизильник черноплодный, a broom Russian, a dogrose ...
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Mountain Izvoz
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Mountain Izvoz

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. g. Verhnij Ufalej
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: Separate hill. Has rocky exposures. It is covered by artificial landings of a pine. To a man-made pine forest, the area of 450 hectares, already more than 30 years. Grow эндемичные and relic grassy plants. The mountain "Carrying" has the big aesthetic and recreational value.
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Sopka Listvennaja
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Sopka Listvennaja

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Verhneural'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: geological
The general data: Coastal, rocky exits гранитов the Stepninsky file. Object of informative and recreational value. The hill towers on 17 m over поймой the river of Kurosan, is combined биотитовыми and rogovoobmankovo-biotitovymi гранитами, mainly coarse-grained, иффировидными, composing western эндоконтакт the Stepninsky file гранитоидов. Граниты, their secants ...
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Sopka Kobjakovskaja
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Sopka Kobjakovskaja

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Verhneural'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: botanical
The general data: The hill towers on 34 metres over поймой the rivers Kurosan. Represents a granite rock. In гранитах, composing a rock, the wonderful separateness giving to all object as a whole a picturesque kind. Has informative and aesthetic value. On a hill grow: кизильник черноплодный and a dogrose cinnamon. Изреженный the pine pine forest growing on slopes ...
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Lake Chebach'e I
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Lake Chebach'e I

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Verhneural'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Reservoir of the average sizes. Has picturesque coast. Parking of the ancient person is found out. Has scientific and recreational value. Lake бессточное. Exits of ground waters create stability of a water mode of lake and rather low temperature background of water in it during the warm period. Water in lake the saltish.
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Lake Chebach'e II
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Lake Chebach'e II

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Verhneural'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Small reservoir. The water structure has alkaline reaction, saltish taste. Has curative and recreational value. The maximum depth of 3-3.5 m. Lake uses a great popularity among the population as vacation spot and fishing. Coast abrupt enough, good beaches. At a bottom and coast of lake exits of ground waters.
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Lake Bol'shoj Bugodak
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Lake Bol'shoj Bugodak

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Verhneural'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: Large reservoir. On coast very picturesque vegetation. Lake richly medical organic dirt. Parking of the ancient person is found out. Lake deep, the maximum depths reach 6-8 metres. Water in lake the fresh. The lake is rich with fish, are found a pike, a carp, налим, краснопёрка, a tench and even сиговые.
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Nizov'e reki Malyj Kizil
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Nizov'e reki Malyj Kizil

Region, rajon: Chelyabinsk region. Verhneural'skij
Category: monument of nature
Profile: hydrological
The general data: The right river bank in lower reaches flat, left - abrupt, is laid out by exits of limy breeds. Two artificial ponds are created. Water drinking. Coast are covered by picturesque wood vegetation. Has recreational value, is a water supply source.
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